Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Potato Salad

Here's a change of pace from your standard mayonnaise based potato salad.  Any potato grown at least 100 miles away from where you live will suffice.

Potato Salad

12 big Christian potatoes
1 handful of cilantro
1 handful of flat-leaf parsley
4 cloves of garlic
4 anchovy fillets
about a half cup of olive oil
a quarter cup of rice wine vinegar or so
salt and pepper

Scrub all of the filth off of the potatoes and boil them in their skins for about 15 minutes.  While this is happening, combine cilantro, parsley, garlic, anchovies, olive oil and rice wine vinegar in a food processor.  Blend.  Drain the potatoes.  Curse out loud as you attempt to remove the potato skin far too early.  Go out for a cigarette.  Remove the skin from the potatoes now that they have cooled a bit.  Cut the potatoes into bite-sized chunks.  Combine the potatoes and the dressing in a bowl and toss it around a bit.  Add salt and pepper.  Add more olive oil and rice wine vinegar if the potatoes don't look quite coated.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Spread of Peace


I'm sure some of you are thinking that, given the events of 9/11, the promotion of hummus may be inappropriate.  Obviously I share your concerns, but I encourage you to open your mind.  Give it a try, McCarthy.

1 can of chickpeas, drained

1 head of garlic

2 tbsp tahini

1 tbsp lemon juice

olive oil



smoked paprika

Cut the top of the garlic head off, exposing the tops of the cloves.  Slather said exposed clove heads in olive oil.  Put the head on a baking sheet in an oven heated to 450 degrees and cook for about 20 minutes.  Put chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice and a good amount of olive oil into a food processor.  Squeeze the head of garlic over the food processor.  In an ideal world the cloves will jump out of their papery-skin into your food processor.  If they disobey, get your hands dirty and get as much of the roasted garlic into the processor as you can.  Give the contents a good blend.  Pour more olive oil in if things don't look quite right.  Season with salt and  pepper.  Give it another buzz so everyone watching knows you don't play.  Sprinkle a little smoked paprika on top before you serve.

Friday, June 19, 2009

And everybody know, Strawberry, Strawberry is the neighbourhood ...

It's a Friday and the sun is shining. It's time to dust off that LA Kings hat, let your khakis hang low, turn up the Zapp and Roger and barbecue something. If you feel like grilling chicken or fish try using this strawberry salsa as a topping. Remember to strap on your locs and demand snaps on the petrol.

Strawberry Salsa

1/2 pound of strawberries
1 clove of garlic, finely diced
1 jalapeno, seeded and diced
about a teaspoon of grated ginger
a handful of cilantro
salt and pepper
olive oil
juice of 1 lime
zest of 1 lime

Start by washing and drying your strawberries and cilantro. Next, give the cilantro a rough chop and toss into a bowl. Dice the strawberries into little chunks and toss them into the bowl as well. Mix in the garlic, jalapeno, grated ginger and lime zest. Squeeze the lime juice into the bowl. Pour in a few glugs of olive oil. Turn the pepper grinder a few times over your concoction and add a pinch or two of salt. Make sure everything is mixed together well. Cover with plastic wrap and let it sit in the fridge till you are ready to eat.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Massimo's (possible) Last Recipe

The Globe and Mail strayed from publishing articles explaining twitter and admonishing poor people for not eating high priced local produce today. Massimo Capra gets some shine in the Life section with a fun sounding risotto. I cherish every new recipe I read from Massimo because I always suspect it will be his last. His unrepentant lust for pork reminds me of Sid Vicious' for heroin. In every single way.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Chef Michael Smith

Canada's premier flavour advocate, family man, and unhygienic giant Chef Michael Smith will be Abroad again this fall.  My guess is the pressures of being At Home and At Large have finally caught up with Michael and he wants to grow that pony-tail out, step into some chef pants and stare at things in other countries.  Chef Abroad will air on the Food Network this fall on Fridays at 11pm and 3am.  Sweet time slot Michael.  Flavour.